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  • Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos, Contact the Parish Office,  801.487.1000​


  • Young Adult Ministry - Follow on Instagram @Zion_Catholic 

  • Bingo, Dee Sacco,


  • Choir (Music Ministry) / Coro (Ministerio de Música),  Patti O'Connor​​



  • Funeral Planning, Bereavement, and Grief Support / Planificación Funeraria, Duelo,  Pat Smith, Parish Office,      801.487-1000 ​


  • Hispanic Ministry, Grupo de Oracion


  • Homebound Communion & Extra-Ordinary  Ministers / Comunión Confinida en Casa Y Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía,           Deacon Robert Cowlishaw​


  • Lectors / Lectores, Deacon Robert​


  • New Members Welcome / Nuevos miembros bienvenidos,  ​


  • Religious Education (CCD) and Safe Environment / Educación Religiosa (CCD) y Ambiente Seguro,  Pearl Lagua DRE​​


  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) / Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA),  Deacon Robert/ Gabriela Castelan​​


  • Ushers / Ujieres,

  • Women of the Worker Council of Catholic Women (CCW) / Mujeres del Grupo de Trabajodores  Consejo de Mujeres Católicas (CCW), Ladies guild

Saint Ann Ladies Guild is always looking for new members.  All women are invited to attend our monthly meetings and participate in our activities.  Members receive our monthly newsletter via email and we include it with the monthly calendar in the Saint Ann's bulletin. The Guild hopes to host a retreat in the new year. We welcome new ideas for ways to benefit our parish.  The next meeting of the Guild will be Wednesday, February ? at 6:30 pm.  If you have questions, contact Emmie Atzet via email at or by phone or text to 801-631-2665.

The Legion of Mary was founded on Sept. 7, 1921 in Ireland. It now has a unit, called a praesidium, in about 170 countries. The Legion of Mary, a worldwide apostolic organization comprised of lay men, women and youth who offer their services to pastors.  St. Ann Parish in Salt Lake City has had active participation in the Legion of Mary group for more than 40 years. 

On Sept. 27, 1982, Monsignor John Sullivan, St. Ann’s pastor from 1982 to 2003, introduced the Legion of Mary to the parish.

Legion of Mary groups are called presidium. At St. Ann’s, Our Lady of Perpetual Help presidium members meet weekly to pray the rosary, but that is only the beginning of their service in the parish.

The foundation of our legion has to do with the performance of substantial active Legion of Mary works, in the spirit of faith, and in union with Mary, in such a fashion that those worked for, the person of our Lord is once again seen and served by Mary, his mother,” said Pam Lagerquist, a presidium member. “We are all called to be lay apostolate. The Legion of Mary has kept the Church alive like the army since its foundation.”

Members of the parish’s presidium also live out their faith by taking communion to the sick and shut-ins, helping with the bereavement ministry, praying the rosary at viewings when requested and teaching religious education.


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St. Ann is an intergenerational and bilingual Catholic parish in south Salt Lake City, Utah. We have Mass and Confession in English and Spanish weekly, and we are home to Zion Catholic, Salt Lake City's vibrant Catholic young adult group.

Santa Ana es parroquia intergeneracional y bilingüe en el sur de la ciudad de Salt Lake. Tenemos la Misa y confesiones en inglés y en español cada semana. Santa Ana es el hogar de Zion Catholic, el grupo vibrante de adultos jovenes en la ciudad de Salt Lake.

St. Ann

Catholic Church

Evangelization Director

2119 S 400 E

Salt Lake City, UT 84115

© 2018 by Saint Ann Catholic Church

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